About us

Hello! I'm Artem, the 32-year-old founder of Charisma Leather, originally from Ukraine.
Charisma Leather, (The English term charisma comes from the Greek χάρισμα (charisma), which means “mercy” or “grace”) is the result of my personal journey in handmade crafts and the discovery of the mesmerizing world of leather craftsmanship.
The brand was established in 2018 and has its roots in the thriving and rapidly expanding Etsy marketplace as a leather goods store.
During that time, the market didn't offer an abundance of choices when it came to leather tools and brands. It required considerable effort to find tools that were both worthy of their price and of superior quality.
The market was divided between established old players offering high-quality, and expensive tools, and a limited selection of cheap, low-quality instruments predominantly sourced from China.
The rapid growth and increased demand in the craftsmanship market led to the emergence of numerous middle and middle-plus brands that provided tools competing in quality with top-tier brands, while maintaining reasonable prices.
My passion for leatherworking and a deep appreciation for beautifully functional tools motivated me to establish this store and share the best products I discovered in the market.
My mission is to make your favourite leather work even more beloved by working with the best quality tools that has been developed for leatherworkers by leatherworkers.
In my interactions with clients and partners, I prioritize building long-term relationships within this seemingly vast yet highly specialized market. Drawing from my 11+ years of experience in sales, I firmly believe that a sustainable business can only be built on a foundation of honesty and responsibility. This is why open communication, exceptional service, and reliable guarantees are at the core of everything we do.
Consider me your "Personal Leatherworking Agent," 😎